Posts by lucian

    Just reporting that burning AMLGX 12.0.0 on a micro sdcard and selecting the meson-gxm-q200.dtb produced a booting environment!

    What I did differently from the initial attempt was to boot the sdcard directly in the unit's slot (as opposed to in an sdcard reader) and also not pressing the reset button.

    I've also renamed the @dtb_file@ or whatever it was called in the env.ini with the actual filename of the dtb.

    Wifi is not working, but apparently this is one of the known problem of these meson dtb..

    PS: I can't seem to be able to paste in this forum's text box! Ctrl+v, middle-click.. nothing works.


    Just found an old generic box that used to run Libreelec-S912-arm-8.2- by kszaq with gxm_q200_3g.dtb (as per some old instructions I found in an email).

    The box doesn't seem to have anything that works installed, just boot loops showing the "AMLogic S912 Cortex-A53 64bit" logo.

    Tried to find the aforementioned versions, as a starter, but the subdomain seems to have vanished.

    Can anyone well versed in these boxes advise me which version of Libreelec I should use and which device tree file?

    The box has 3GB RAM and 1Gbps NIC.

    I see they have changed names and are all prefixed with "meson", closest to the one above seems to be "meson-gxm-q200.dtb".

    I've got it. Analog output on DELL Wyse 3040 requires the pulseaudio module-udev-detect on Libreelec.

    Since /etc/pulse/ is on squashfs there's not much to do there, so one can load the module via Libreelec's like this:

    ( sleep 10
    /usr/bin/pactl load-module module-udev-detect

    Just add that to /storage/.config/ file.

    If I run that without the sleep for 10 seconds it fails for whatever reason, 5 seconds might also work, but wanted to make sure Kodi is up and running when it gets run.

    PS: In addition i have also blacklisted the HDMI audio kernel module, as it will not be used at all and don't want to risk Kodi randomly switching to it:

    echo blacklist snd_hdmi_lpe_audio >> /storage/.config/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 

    Hi folks,

    Got my hands on a Wyse 3040, it's a tiny thing and low power, great for a htpc (mostly streaming radio/youtube)

    Librelex x86 v12.0 installed fine on it, all good, except for the sound. There is none coming out of the analog socket.

    I thought, that's easy, just needs dtparam=audio=on in /flash/config.txt as prior Rpi experience taught me, but that solved nothing, there is no sound.

    I can see the analog device in the Kodi settings, but in the logs I see this.. any thoughts?


    I've added a remote https (with user pass auth, self-signed cert) source, it works fine for video files, but it fails with audio files.

    No audio files are listed in the source. If I re-add it as SFTP then everything's alright.

    I'd rather use https though as playback is smoother etc.

    I have seen this reported in other threads, without any resolution.

    Adding Music over http(s) does not work

    I'm on Kodi/18.0-ALPHA1 (Millhouse Rpi2 builds)

    Debug logs attached.

