Thank you chewitt. If I can I try to merge them. Maybe someone need this.
Posts by fuzzymuff
Thank you davu:)
For chewitt.
You mean the rasplex it's based on LE.
It's possible to install for example iptv simple client in it? Like addon? -
Both Rasplex (OpenPHT) and the official Plex distro for pi are now based on LE, we've been working together.. but LE assumes that there is only one mediacentre application running full-screen. In theory you could combine both apps into one image, but even if you did they would run discretely and you'd need to figure out the window management. You don't just add LiveTV to Plex or transcoding to Kodi - serious coding work is required.
NB: The rule for these things; if you need to ask how it's done you won't succeed. If you have the skills to succeed, our buildsystem already made sense to you and you're compiling something. It's a very arrogant statement (sorry) but experience also shows it's true.
Thank you for reply chewitt:) I don't have the skill for this I try because i like your work. In last year I use always openelec and I follow milhouse but I trust in libreelec and I want to help you.
Maybe I explain badly.
I want to learn how to build because I think I can help you on the work.
Sorry for my English
I'm German
Thank you DaVu i try, and i write you
Hi guys, I am very interested in building a distro.
I also want to help the team to improve LibreElec.I have some question and i hope someone help me
1) How i can help you to find a bug and partecipate to github?
2) I have 2 raspberry with rasplex and LibreElec, it's possible to merge them? I need only live tv and plex, rasplex it's a plex with power and LE it's a Live tv powered
I try plexmbc but it's very slow.
3) Someone can show me how to buil custom distroThank You