Posts by Poorav

    In my case as well spotify has stopped working. Libresoft is visible from spotify, but after trying to connect to it from spotify the first time (which does not work), it disappears from spotify.

    I see the following type of errors

    2024-09-05 11:37:29.735 T:883      INFO <general>: Librespot: [2024-09-05T09:37:29Z INFO  librespot_connect::spirc] Fetching autoplay context uri
    2024-09-05 11:37:29.769 T:883      INFO <general>: Librespot: [2024-09-05T09:37:29Z INFO  librespot_connect::spirc] Autoplay uri resolved to <"spotify:station:playlist:37i9dQZF1E35R8hFoMeHWo">
    2024-09-05 11:37:29.808 T:883      INFO <general>: Librespot: [2024-09-05T09:37:29Z INFO  librespot_playback::player] Loading <Chasing the Sun> with Spotify URI <spotify:track:7wrDfgpKlkqTaut2sjysdw>
    2024-09-05 11:37:29.893 T:883      INFO <general>: Librespot: [2024-09-05T09:37:29Z ERROR librespot_core::channel] channel error: 2 0
    2024-09-05 11:37:29.894 T:883      INFO <general>: Librespot: [2024-09-05T09:37:29Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load encrypted file: ChannelError
    2024-09-05 11:37:29.894 T:883      INFO <general>: Librespot: [2024-09-05T09:37:29Z WARN  librespot_playback::player] Unable to load <SpotifyId { id: 328575273318722427711936273846579157590, audio_type: Track }>

    I hope someone can help me out on this. Thanks

    Pulseaudio - LibreELEC

    ^^ it can be configured as discussed in that wiki article, at the expense of multichannel audio over HDMI which most people consider to be more important (hence it is not a default configuration).

    I finally got a chance to get test this out. However the article shows how to make the bluetooth device the default output device. That is not what I am trying to do. I am going to play music on my phone and I would like to use the raspberry pi + with libreelec as the receiver. Here is the idea... my raspberry pi (installed with libreelec kodi) is connected to my amplifier. Now, I want to listen to music that is playing on my phone via raspberry pi through to my amplifier & speakers with bluetooth. Does that clarify my scenario a bit?
    Sorry, my apologies... finally these steps do work. It is still not clear in my head how exactly works, but it works.

    But only till I reboot. after rebooting, I have to do all the steps again to ensure everything is working correctly. What can i do to make this permanent?



    My setup is raspberry pi3 with a hifiberry dac. I am able to listen to music from kodi without a problem.

    Now,I have enabled Bluetooth through the libreelec add on and connected my phone. But when I try to play music from my phone, there is no music coming through the speakers that are connected to the dac.

    So to be clear, I am looking to play music on the phone, and hear that through the speakers that are connected to the dac that is connected to the Raspberry pi 3 running libreelec Kodi.

    I tried the bluetoothctl command and it showed me the phone is connected. What am I missing?
