TVHeadend error message "not enough disk space" when recording

  • Hi, some help please. I cant record live TV using TVHeadend and get the error message "not enough disk space". On kodi I get the message that Recording has started the immediately Recording has stopped.

    The storage location is set at /storage/recordings. I have tried changing the to /storage/downloads/recordings as stated in another post without success.

    I am currently using TVHeadend 4.2 Version 8.2.112 as per the Libreelec 8.1.1 Generic.v86_64 install process.

    Recording did work with TVHeadend 4.0 however it is not now available with Libreelec 8.1.1. I wonder if something went wrong with the current Libreelec update to 8.1.1?


  • Hi

    I tried the 8.1.1 beta of Libreelec and found there were multiple problems with TVHeadened 4.2 and reverted back to LE 8.0.2 and TVH 4.09.

    I have found that in general (for me at any rate) that TVH 4.2 regardless of which previous version of LE is used has not been as good an experience as TVH 4.09.

    Problems with TVH not recording were not my main issue - I had the network path set in the TVH web GUI to a dedicated HDD for LIVE TV recordings and this worked fine for recording and play back.

    The main item I encountered was the channel switching on TVH 4.2 been very, very slow taking in excess of 10 seconds to change and unfortunately that is not a good wife acceptance criteria. So to avoid the spousal heated exchanges, a reversion back to LE 8.0.2 and TVH 4.09 was needed.

    Beta software can and probably will spring up some unexpected and unforeseen circumstances, hopefully other forum members may be able to provide a better steer for you, awaiting that occurring I would recommend reverting back to the last master release version to save your sanity.

    If you have any log files I would find on the forums where these can be pasted for the devs to be able to see what may be causing the issue for you.

  • Hi, thanks for your comments.

    My situation gets a little more complicated in that I had to go to the latest LE as the previous versions didn't support 4K video cards which I wanted to connect to my new 4K TV.

    Further I initially thought it may have something to do with my hardware however I installed TVH 4.2 on other media center in the house and friends with the same problem. Fortunately going back to TVH 4.0 worked in other cases but not my 4K LE 8.1.1.

    Unfortunately the latest LE install did not give me the option of TVH 4.0 whereas the earlier ones did.

  • Hi all, problem Fixed.

    TVH 4.2 does not create a folder to store Live TV recordings in LE, evan though documentation says it does. It does with TVH 4.0.

    The default folder is /storage/recordings.

    To fix the problem use SSH and create a folder "recordings" in the root directory. and now it works.:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  • TVH 4.2 does not create a folder to store Live TV recordings

    oh I see the problem, the folder is created if you enter the box via smb the first time, if you don't do it there is no folder :S

    I fix it, tx for the reply :)