As a complete newcomer to LibreElec, have to say I'm delighted with it (v 8.02) on my Wetek Core. Just one query which may have been covered elsewhere (but couldn't find it)... the internal BT controller is not found. In Jan 2016 this solution was proposed but I guess it hasn't found its way into the code yet? Should I attempt the revisions?
Bluetooth on Wetek Core
Plimsoline -
August 14, 2017 at 11:28 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Support for WeTek Core internal Bluetooth was added to LibreELEC long time ago. To use it you need to first enable Bluetooth in LibreELEC settings: LibreELEC->Services->Enable Bluetooth.
Ah... many thanks for that: sorted.
Guess I was wrong footed by sort of expecting anything to be under the Bluetooth tab and missing the last item on the Services page as it needed a scroll down [no scroll bars: I know; ..minimal OS,]