Device Tree?? Does it make any difference??

  • I have an S905 based A95x-B7N android box. I always see the device trees and see the guides that recommend placing the appropriate file on your stick, etc.etc.etc. But my device works just fine without it.

    Is there something to be gained? Will I get better performance out of my box? Am I using a 32-bit kernel when I should be using the DTB with the 64-bit kernel? Will more buttons on my remote work and be properly mapped?

    I understand if certain hardware would not work without, but all mine works fine. So would it make a difference for me?

  • I just upgraded to 8.1.1 and had to copy the gxl_p212_1g.dtb to the unit to make it work. I usually use the SSH method of upgrading. Will I have to copy the gxl_p212_1g.dtb to the unit to make it work everytime I update? or was this just a one time event going from 8.0.2e to 8.1.1?? Because none of the SSH update instructions talk about needing the appropriate DTB or placing it in the .update folder or anything of the like. I just cd to the .update folder and wget the most recent img.gz and reboot. Everything usually takes care of itself.

  • Because none of the SSH update instructions talk about needing the appropriate DTB or placing it in the .update folder or anything of the like.

    Please not again... There is a sticky post - first one from the top. With very clear instructions. It is marked as Read first. There is also a link to this post in every builds thread...

  • One more thing: device trees are not automatically updated in my builds (as opposed to official LE) because there is no easy way to determine which device tree was used by the user. I have some ideas on how to change this.