LibreElec 8.02 with VDR permanently crashing

  • If have a Linux server which runs VDR. My client x64 PC runs LibreElec 8.02 with the VNSI plugin. When switching TV channels (DVB S2), LibreElec crashes by random.

    I had this problem already in older versions of OpenElec, too. But version 6.03 of OpenElec fixed this and ran super-stable. I never had such problems in this version.

    But now, after updating to 8.02, the problem re-appeared. I tried downgrading to 6.03, but this does not work cleanly. I read somewhere that setting priority = 0 in the VNSI options should help, but it does not. You have a regression bug here, since it was gone in v6.03.

    Is there any solution available? The problem is really annoying.

    • Official Post

    As there was no vdr updates it is likely that maybe the dvb adapter has some problems ?

    Could you post a dmesg | paste after such an crash (login into ssh, enter command, post url that get generated)?

    Did you tried if it works with Tvheadend ?

  • I am not sure what you mean by "dvb adapter". My DVB receiver cards are installed on the VDR server. The crash happens on the LibreElec machine, it performs a restart of Kodi (I guess this is triggered by a watchdog). Do you want me to execute the dmesg on the LibreElec machine?

    I did not try Tvheadend, from what I read time shift is much better in VNSI.

    • Official Post

    My DVB receiver cards are installed on the VDR server.

    ups didn't read that ;D

    Then there has to be a problem with pvr.vnsi, do you use vdr-2.2.0 and is the vnsi plugin up to date at your vdr server ?

    performs a restart of Kodi

    just kodi or whole system ?

    if it is just kodi then I need an /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.old.log btw the latest crashlog from the same folder

    I did not try Tvheadend, from what I read time shift is much better in VNSI.

    can't really judge this as timeshift is still kind of broken at Kodi

    But Tvh is a real service with nice web interface and all the handy stuff you need tons of plugins at vdr and Tvh is everything already included. Also it is much better compatible with all sorts of Devices because you can run the included Sat>IP (works for all DVB etc) server that allows you to use every program that supports Sat>IP regardless which OS. Only downside is that the first time configuration is a bit confusing - it is really easy after you have understand how it works but at the beginning a bit confusing ;)

  • I tried to make Kodi crash now, but guess what - it didn't. I will upload a log when it happens the next time. For the currently existing logs, I don't know which one to take, because it seems Kodi always has a SIGSEGV when Kodi is terminated. There are also SQL errors in the logs with a contraint violation (but seems not to cause the crash). Is there a database update missing?