Help with vdr coloured​ remote buttons programming

  • Hi everyone

    Firstly thank you for your time and efforts for maintaining this forum and helping other members.

    My device is mxiii ii with 2/16 gb and running latest kszaq build 8.0.1b from nand and using the normal ir remote control that came with the device.

    It is working reasonably well as my main libreelec device, I have dvbsky 960 connected directly to the usb port and using vdr as backend for freesat UK.

    I wonder if someone can help me with my request, I want to use keymap editor to assign 4 remote buttons to work as the 4 coloured buttons for vdr clinet specific settings.

    I tried to search but couldn't find any coloured buttons to remap within the addon :huh: .

    Also is there any recommended advanced settings xml files for pvr that is good for amlogic 905x.

    Kind regards and thanks again for your help


    Edited once, last by ashrafhumax (March 30, 2017 at 12:53 AM).