Rasp3 CEC Problem/Bug

  • Many Many thanks for your hard work!!!
    I have only one problem with the CEC since i changed to LibreElec. I use a Rasp3 with an Samsung TV and use the USB from TV for my Rasp. Now when my TV powers on i don't want that the source is automatically changed to the hdmi from the Rasp. As the CEC Adapter had an older Firmware this worked fine with the following config. Switch off the "switch source to this device on startup" in the CEC Adapter Options which can be found in System Settings - Input - peripherals - CEC. I think since the CEC Adapter Version changed to 3.xxx this option is not working anymore. So when i start my TV an the Rasp will boot up, the TV will switch always to the hdmi where the Rasp is even of the option "switch source to this device..." is disabled. I asked for this issue in many german forums and their also others comfirmed this issue on LG TVs but no one has a solution for this. Could someone help me here?
    Many thanks in advance!

    Update 10.04.2017
    Could anyone else here confirm this problem?

    Edited once, last by Foradh (April 10, 2017 at 8:41 PM).