custom build - update process same as official?

  • Hi,

    i build libreelec for myself (branch libreelec-8.0).

    My Question:

    if later comes an update to 8.1 for example, is the update process the same as from the official builds, like from menu or stick??
    I think yes, but i want to be sure.
    I have only an extra package inside - nothing else is changed!

    I dont want build it every time again.

    thanks guys.

  • If you build an image yourself you are on your own for updates. Any time an update is available you will have to rebuild your image with any of the changes you have added.

  • OK, Thank you. Then it is not worth it for me.
    (Only for the nice extra NFS package from escalade: at le8 · escalade/ · GitHub)

    Too bad.
    can somebody help me to make this package as an addon?

    I changed PKG_IS_ADDON to "yes" and executed: PROJECT=Generic ARCH=x86_64 ./scripts/create_addon unfs3

    but i got:
    *** unsupported package format. please convert your package ***

    Edited once, last by scapulares (March 2, 2017 at 5:54 PM).