WebGrab - XMLTV EPG grabber does not work

  • Hello,

    I use this file as EPG-Grab-Module

    But TVHeadend don't found any EPG-Channels.
    I use the same tv_grab_file (only other path for guide.xml) on my Synology NAS, there all works perfect.
    Any Idea why it doesn't work?

    Best Regards

  • Quite possibly because there is no full bash shell on libreelec. Probably the easiest way is to continue to use your nas and add to the script to scp the file to your libreelec box. you'll need to set up key based auth, which isn't too hard.

  • I think u have right, because I can't run the script manuel. I get this error:

    /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/tv_grab_wg++: line 11: can't open 1: no such file
    /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/tv_grab_wg++: line 11: 0: not found

    How can I do this? My Linux Know How is not so good. Maybe u have an Link for me?