Chromium - - Playback not working

  • Hi everyone!

    I've recently installed LibreElec and the chromium addon. Both Flash Player & Widevine module are installed successfully and I can play both flash content as content on the netflix website.

    I can also play videos on the normal YouTube website. But when I try to open a video on, the playback is stuck and keeps buffering forever.

    The website itself loads in fine, can sign in with Google account, etc... but it's just playback that doesn't work...

    Something else I need to do/change in a configuration file to get this to work?

  • Why not use the kodi youtube addon?

    Well, it's not life threatening or anything ;). But I would like to cast video from my youtube apps on iOS/Android/Chrome devices to my TV and that's possible through the youtube TV website. I know there are different apps to achieve the same purpose, but they sometimes break or aren't working with every video and this would solve it ;).

  • Yes, I know .

    But would like to enable casting also from my iPad & my Chrome devices (using the cast to addon) and that's normally possible by adding the website as a cast device, but for some reason, video playback isn't working on that website, while it is possible on the normal youtube website (

    Now installing LibreElec on another machine to make sure it's machine independent issue.

  • Mmm... weird. Using openelec on my Intel NUC gives the issue (so playback stuck at buffering), but installing it on my Desktop PC, everything plays normally...
    Allright, now even regular playback isn't working.

    Could this be a GPU problem? I have a NUC DC3217BY with Intel Graphics 4000.

  • You can install a minimal ubuntu and google-chrome
    google chrome run with the parameter
    and the browser works OK with LE
    forum topic old ...but it works 1

    Well already tried that, but I get a hodt of other problems when I do that... LibreElec is just easier in that way...

    Well already tried that, but I get a hodt of other problems when I do that... LibreElec is just easier in that way...

    Wow wait... That's different... Installing Ubuntu INSIDE LibreElec? I'm gonna try it out!

  • I installed the latest version of ubuntu: howto
    mkdir -p /storage/data/ubuntu
    cd /storage/data/ubuntu
    tar xzf ubuntu-16.04-x86_64.tar.gz
    rm ubuntu-16.04-x86_64.tar.gz
    mount -o bind /dev /storage/data/ubuntu/dev
    mount -o bind /sys /storage/data/ubuntu/sys
    mount -t proc proc-chroot /storage/data/ubuntu/proc/
    mount -t devpts devpts-chroot /storage/data/ubuntu/dev/pts
    cp /etc/resolv.conf /storage/data/ubuntu/etc/resolv.conf
    #Good thing to make an autostart file so everything is mounted at reboot
    touch /storage/.config/
    nano /storage/.config/

    chmod -R a+rwX /dev/snd
    mount -o bind /dev /storage/data/ubuntu/dev
    mount -o bind /sys /storage/data/ubuntu/sys
    mount -t proc proc-chroot /storage/data/ubuntu/proc/
    mount -t devpts devpts-chroot /storage/data/ubuntu/dev/pts

    Ctrl-x, Y, enter

    #Giving rights to the executable
    chmod +x /storage/.config/
    dos2unix /storage/.config/

    #Chroot into ubuntu
    /storage/data/ubuntu/usr/sbin/chroot /storage/data/ubuntu/ /bin/bash
    apt-get update
    apt-get install nano
    #Enable use of add-apt-repository and other nice stuff
    sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties
    #Need user for non-root only programs like steam
    #add the user "retro" with password "console"
    adduser --quiet --disabled-password -shell /bin/bash --home /home/retro --gecos "User" retro; echo -e "console\nconsole" | passwd retro
    #Grant Root Privileges to the User

    Find the following code:
    # User privilege specification
    root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

    #granting root privileges to the user "retro"
    #Add the following below that code:
    retro ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

    Ctrl-x, Y, enter

    #login as user retro
    su retro
    #Install Google-Chrome
    wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable
    #Creating a script google-chrome for Kodi / LE (corrected / dev / shm) / If still in chroot as user then type exit twice
    touch /storage/
    nano /storage/
    #paste text

    /storage/data/ubuntu/usr/sbin/chroot /storage/data/ubuntu /bin/bash -x << EOF
    chmod 1777 /dev/shm
    su retro
    google-chrome --start-maximized

    Ctrl-x, Y, enter
    #Giving rights to the executable
    chmod +x /storage/
    dos2unix /storage/
    # Launching Google-Chrome LibreElec menu / remote control using entry:
    #System.Exec (path to the script)
    #Editing file remote.xml and entry in the global section (for key 1)


    # The sound of the google-chrome / Ubuntu / LE etc.
    # Installation package ALSA / Chroot into ubuntu
    /storage/data/ubuntu/usr/sbin/chroot /storage/data/ubuntu/ /bin/bash
    sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
    sudo touch /etc/asound.conf
    #insert the code (from your audio settings in LE) in me [hw: 1,7] for example:

    defaults.ctl.card 1
    defaults.pcm.card 1
    defaults.pcm.device 7

    Edited once, last by kobrawerde (August 3, 2016 at 6:29 PM).