No channels after update from OE to LE

  • Hi, i just updated my existing OE 6.x installation to LE 7.0.1. Basicly all went fine except live tv.

    The channel counter tells me there are 477 channels (correct number incl. radio) but no tv channel shows up.
    Radio works fine. Recordings play. TV channel list and epg are empty.

    I tried to reinstall the pvr addon, restarted tv server. No luck. ( Is it normal that the kodi rep. doesnt show any pvr addons? )

    EDIT: I am running a mediaportal tvserver as backend.

    The first start of the pvr manager is way to fast.

    I am out of ideas except of a total fresh install - which i hope is not necessary.

    ( I have a LE 7.0 wetek box running in my bed room working fine. )
    I had to activate each channel and its epg view manually in the channel manager menu.
    Restarting pvr manager brings up the channels.

    Still dont get what went wrong and hope to find out.

  • Even after that epg was empty. Then i recognized my channel group wasnt select. After i changed to the correct channel group epg view was fine.
    So i guess after upgrade i would have to change to the correct group only. Will try that next time this happens.