OE 6.95.3 to LE 7.0.1 Problem with System Size

  • Hi,
    Just began finding out about LE. Have been using OE on Cubox i4Pro for several years (since Cubox was released, and Zotac's before that). Having a strange problem with trying to upgrade from OE 6.95.3...(same results from OE 6.0.1, so I don't know if something else really strange is happening).

    I downloaded the .tar file for the update from here and unpacked (in Windows 10) with 7Zip. Took the 4 files for updating (System & Kernal + their MD5's) and put them into my Cubox Updates folder (as I have done for many of the OE upgrades over the years)...Verified the MD5 for the files match their MD5 file values as well as the ones on here...

    Upon reboot, it begins the update and does the Kernal okay, when it tries to process the System, it says MD5 size error and rolls back the update and then boots normally into 6.95.3. The update files are properly removed from Updates, and my system is back to "normal" (as 6.95.3).

    I've downloaded the tar file several times and every time same results (okay MD5, =.md5 values, size error on System)...

    I also tried a clean install on a spare MicroSD card and it failed with errors on boot and never displayed anything beyond the LE logo...(no Kodi logo, no menu, nothing)...it looped back thru the LE logo, and the grayed out LE logo stages of the boot process if that makes any difference.

    Replaced my 6.95.3 microsd and everything back to normal...

    Anyone have any ideas????


  • Dont unpack the tar, just place the tar file in the update folder.

    Thanks for the fast reply...

    No joy...

    • re-downloaded the tar "LibreELEC-imx6.arm-7.0.1.tar" ,
    • verified the MD5 against the one on this website, (got 0b3632a4eaa4149efe4da62a56216759)
    • copied the tar file to the updates folder on the Cubox box,
    • rebooted,
    • same results - size error on system when trying to extract/expand/process...

    Not sure what's next...

  • I must have read your post wrong, size error means that the system partition is to small. You will have to do a clean install.

    The image size has gotten bigger over the years and we have out grown our initial size.

  • I must have read your post wrong, size error means that the system partition is to small. You will have to do a clean install.

    The image size has gotten bigger over the years and we have out grown our initial size.

    Okay...tried that too....(see paragraph 5 above)...failed with a looping during boot process with display of the LE logo, then blank, then greyed out LE logo, then blank, and repeat ...

    Can I resize the partitions on the existing MicroSD card (using gparted)? I'm using an 8GB MicroSD. If so, what size should I go to?

    Just tried a new install from scratch on a different MicroSD card ... Got yet another different result...

    Boot process went as follows:

    System partition resized normally and rebooted properly
    System loaded and got a few errors of services/items not started properly etc.
    Screen blanked and then Kodi (V16.1 - Jarvis) logo appeared, got one or two "bongs" of sound effects then nothing ...Kodi Logo still up.

    I seem to remember another thread that indicated this was a GUISettings issue but can't find it at the moment...

    Finally gave up and rebooted, and IT WORKED...system came up to the wizard to setup Kodi and allowed me to conifgure the network connections, display characteristics and the rest of the system....I'm going to restore my backup (from OE 6.95.3 with my settings and see if that gives back my metadata, etc...

    Will keep progress in this thread so maybe it will help someone in the future...


    Edited once, last by spschneer (June 14, 2016 at 4:03 AM).