Music skipping to next song in queue before done

  • I am running LE on a RPI3 with music streamed over a wired line from an ext hard drive (EHD) attached to my router. I have a problem that on some music files the music will freeze (CPU usage jumps from 40 to 100%) or on other files skip the end (3sec to 60 sec) and move to the next item in the queue.
    For the song that freezes I have copied it to a local USB drive and encountered the same problem. The file plays fine on my computer under JRiver.
    I have followed suggestions to create a file:advanced user settings to increase the read rate and buffer size, but no success.
    I am am open to suggestions. The item that bothers me most is the skipping as I have so far only one song that freezes, other songs with the same problem I re-copied the files to the EHD.


    I seem to have a solution, although the logic of it escapes me. I recopied the known offending files once more from their parent directory to the external hard drive and updated the library and the problem for the specific files is gone. I do note that several other files have this same problem, so I may have to re-load the entire library a folder at a time, as perhaps my system hiccups somewhere in the process. I am speculating that the system has a problem updating the library in one batch. Note I am assuming that it is a problem that the file is somehow corrupted for how it is read into the LE library. The file sizes are identical in the EHD and parent folder and the offending file plays fine in iTunes. I have included a link to the log file in case any of the power users might see something else. My library files are about 600Gb in size.

    Ubuntu Pastebin


    Edited once, last by Erviv (February 7, 2017 at 4:52 PM).