IPTV simple Client wiggles when changing channel

  • Hello Guys,

    i got a problem with iptv simple client. it wiggles when i am changing the channel, i made a video. Do you know what i can do to fix that? its irritating to see this everytime.

    i have:

    - HP Prodesk 400 g3 mini (intel 7500T 4gb Ram)

    - libreelec installed 12.0.2 Stable version

    i got my m3u lists from the iptv-org github

    everything is standard configs, i didnt tampered any configuration.

    PVR iptv simple - wiggles.mp4

    heres a video of what i mean.

    thanks in advance.

  • This should be fixed at LE13, meantime you could use LE12 LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64 version to make it work.

    You can update to, no reinstall needed.

  • okay i installed as suggested the legacy 12 nightly version. it works now.

    is there any setting that the switch gets faster? for 720p and 1080p Stream it takes several seconds to show the programm.. i have 250mbits internet.

  • okay. i was searching for an alternative for my mother, because she wishes for international channels. the loading time will be irritating for her, because she only knows cable tv and satellite... maybe ill find something else.

    thanks for your help.

    it works now under generic LE 13 without issues :)

  • you can pump the iptv into tvheadend and use the pvr.hts kodi addon to pre stream channels you are likely switching to what eliminates the switching times

    not as trivial but maybe a solution