SSD playback issue

  • Hi all, searched the forums unsuccessfully but throwing this out there anyways.

    I keep all my video files on a separate drive from the OS installation, both installed in a desktop PC. Copied the files from an old spinning drive to a new SSD and was experiencing random "freezes" during playback. Video and audio suddenly stops, then video only quickly speeds up for a second or so then plays normally. This just happened occasionally, not a huge issue just annoying.

    Going back to the mechanical drive this does not occur. SSD playback was otherwise fine. Have Adjust Display Refresh Rate on Start/Stop, Synch Playback to Display off.

    Noticed in Settings/Services/Caching that you can adjust the buffer settings, default is just network files.

    Should I try changing that to buffering all filesystems, including local, and experimenting with the other options to see if that helps?

    Sorry no logs as i have already changed drives, just concerned about the life of the mechanical drive.

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue, or if I am right in my assumptions or totally off track.


  • Ok, seems to be solved, I don't know how to mark this as such.

    Under Settings/Services/Caching, changed to buffer all filesystems, including local. Changed the memory to 1GB and left the other settings alone (system has 16GB of ram)

    When starting playback the timeline bar on the bottom of the screen fills up rapidly to about 1/4 of the way or so, I'm assuming it's the cache filling up.

    Anyhow, yes, playback is very smooth now. I'm assuming the SSD was reading too fast for correct audio/video sync to occur over time and it just "hiccuped" until the system caught up. Sounds good so I'm going with that.
