Unable to boot using community builds Sky42 Librelec 12 RPi5 arm image 240426 and 240531

  • Been using these builds since version 11 on an RPi3. I need cryptsetup and it has been working very well so far.

    Got a RPi5 a month ago and since then it will not boot.

    Using a fresh image and getting the following errors on screen:

    "kernel panic - not syncing: No working init found. Try passing init= option to kernel....."

    "SMP: stopping secondary CPUs"

    "Kernel offset: disabled"


    Booting into a vanilla LibreElec12 RPi5 image works fine.

    Do i need to configure anything for the SKY42 community build to make it boot?

    Thanks for the building these images with dm-crypt. I think they should be included by default in the regular images.