ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED to TVHEADEND server (9981) or Webinterface (8080) after upgrade libreelec from 10.0.4 to 11.0.3

  • If my problem does not belong here please point me in the right direction. Keep in mind I'm not a native speaker.

    I used LibreELEC 10.0.4 on a headless RPi 3B which worked well until I did a manual to 11.0.3 today (ssh connection from Ubunto 23.04 to the RPi, cd /storage/.update,

    wget and reboot.

    I can still open a ssh connection to the RPi or ping the RPi, but no browser connection to 9981 or 8080.

    Since updates went well for a very long time I did not backup the memory card (I know: no backup - no mercy).

    Help and ideas are welcome.

    rgds. from Vienna,Austria,
