Can't mount nfs since updated Synology NAS to DSM 7.2

  • I decided to update my Synology NAS from DSM 7.1 to DSM 7.2 today and now my auto mount fails with a timeout and I can't work out why. It still works perfectly with my OSMC media box which uses autofs.

    LibreElec: 11.0.1

    Synology: DSM 7.2-64570 Update 1

    my .mount file in system.d looks like this:


    # The share we want mount


    # Where we want mount this share


    # Any options you usually use with the "-o" parameter in the mount command


    # filesystem type



    and when I run it I get

    systemctl start storage-multimedia.mount

    systemctl status storage-multimedia.mount

    × storage-multimedia.mount - test nfs mount script

    Loaded: loaded (/storage/.config/system.d/storage-multimedia.mount; enabled; preset: disabled)

    Active: failed (Result: timeout) since Sat 2023-07-22 13:21:10 BST; 3min 20s ago

    Where: /storage/multimedia


    CPU: 3ms

    Jul 22 13:19:40 MEDIACENTRE systemd[1]: Mounting storage-multimedia.mount...

    Jul 22 13:21:10 MEDIACENTRE systemd[1]: storage-multimedia.mount: Mounting timed out. Terminating.

    Jul 22 13:21:10 MEDIACENTRE systemd[1]: storage-multimedia.mount: Mount process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM

    Jul 22 13:21:10 MEDIACENTRE systemd[1]: storage-multimedia.mount: Failed with result 'timeout'.

    Jul 22 13:21:10 MEDIACENTRE systemd[1]: Failed to mount storage-multimedia.mount.

    I am happy to swap to SMB instead but when I try setting it up using the guide I get :



    Jul 22 13:30:58 MEDIACENTRE mount[1282]: mount: mounting on /storage/multimedia failed: Invalid argument

    As I say it continues to work fine with autofs on osmc

    My Synology settings for NFS are:

    Does anyone have any ideas of anything else I can check?


  • Hi there,

    have you tried to manually mount the NFS export on your libreElec via console?

    Please provide the following output, as it's more helpful to determine what happened.

    mount -v -t nfs -o vers=3 <server IP>/<nfs export name> /<mount dir on libreelec>
    rpcinfo -s <server IP>
    rpcinfo -m <server IP>

    I honestly have no experience with Synology NAS - but one thing that catches my eye, you limited your server side (NAS) NFS version to 2 and 3.

    You should consider at least allow NFSv4 in addtion. Also I would deactivate NFSv2, if you don't have to support it.

    (See their documentation, at least what a quick ddg search got me:…s_nfs?version=7)

  • Cheers Joker, Just adding ver=3 to the options in the mount file fixed it! I tried so many options for cifs but not nfs


    I guess it must try to use an older nfs protocol to connect by default and they have removed support for that now.

    Thanks for pushing me in the right direction.