(OLED) display, connected to Kodi via WiFi

  • I just published a new project esp-OLEDproc - remote OLED display for Kodi media center.

    I didn't make any pictures, but if you look in the OLEDproc add-on, it looks almost the same.

    I think it's a pretty revolutionary thing - connecting a display to Kodi has probably never been easier.

    To try it out, follow these steps:

    1. Get some module with ESP8266 (preferably about Wemos D1 mini) and some OLED display 128x64 (preferably with chip SSD1306). At Aliexpress, both together (1.3-inch display) can be purchased for less than $ 6 (including postage).

    2. Connect both modules and upload the firmware to the ESP8266.

    3. After switching on, a new SSID will appear in the network menu - something like esp-oledproc-xxxxxx. Connect to it and type in the address bar of the browser.

    4. A page will appear asking for a password - enter admin. Go to the Network settings menu.

    5. Press the Scan button. In the found networks, select the one in which your Kodi is located and fill in the IP address and other necessary parameters. Confirm by clicking the Save button and the yellow bar "You have uncommited changes ...".

    6. A summary of parameters appears. After checking it, press the "Save & Reboot" button.

    7. After the restart, the device should already connect to your network. If you have not disabled the clock display (in Display Settings), there should be a clock on the display (sometimes another restart requires it - eg by switching it off and on).

    8. Install the XBMC LCDproc add-on in Kodi. However, it must be a modified version to support UTF-8. You can download it from the GitHub above.

    9. In the option settings, turn on "Use remote LCDproc" and fill in the same address as in point 5.

    10. On the Behaviour tab, turn on "Use alternate charset" and select UTF-8 encoding.

    That's all, it should work. I remind you that the XBMC LCDproc add-on (what is actually to be displayed) is configured using the LCD.xml file. However, you will find this in the relevant documentation.

    Maybe someone will be interested, I've been working on it for tens of hours.

    Edited once, last by LuRu: Typo (June 16, 2022 at 6:08 AM).