Screenshot Not working RPi LibreElEC 10.0.2

  • Platform :- LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-10.0.2 image on Raspberry Pi2 Model B, Confluence skin. Max res 1080.+

    UP graded from LibeELEC 9.2.8

    Under System->Player->Videos

    Default Settings :-

    "Allow using DRM PRIME Decoder" - Yes

    "Allow hardware acceleration with DRM Prime" - Yes

    "PRIME Render Method" - "Direct To Plane"

    With the above settings and a Video file playing taking a Screenshot results in an empty/all black "png" file.

    Changing "PRIME Render Method" - "EGL" taking a Screenshot works.

    Can't see any adverse effects from changing to "EGL" yet. Perhaps it should be the default?.

    May I say for me the 10.0.2 release working just great. Thanks LibreELEC team.