DigiBit R1 Update of Astra 19.2 Scantable

  • Hallo

    days ago I realized that the scan table for Satellite Astra 19.2 on my DigiBit R1 with last firmware was outdated.

    so I checked the original scan table (named: 13.tlist) with what I could find on the INet (http://www.lyngsat.com ,de.kingofsat.net) and created a current scan table (~35 changes, date 10.03.2022) :


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    Please create a backup of your original 13.tlist before by:

    - login to your DigiBit

    - go to "Channel Search"

    - choose Astra 19.2 in pulldown list named "Transponder database update" => "Transponder list file:"

    - click on the blue hyperlink (?, named: "...Astra 1L ..."), tagged with "View current database entry"

    it will (under linux) open a file browser and wants to save the scan table named 13.tlist

    (this what's currently on your DigiBit; I guess it comes with the last DigiBit firmware)

    - save the original 13.tlist as your backup !

    - copy from the above pastebin link the content to a file and name it, lets say "New_13.tlist"

    - now click the button "Browse" and point to your prev. created "New_13.tlist"

    - the name in the pulldown box now changed to "19.2° Astra 1KR/1L/1M/1N Date: 2020-03-10" (what is btw.: the first line in the scan table)

    - re-scan your channels with/for Astra 19.2

    be aware

    As said I checked the entries against the INet and double checked it, but could have made mistakes, so the new scan table comes without any warranty.

    It works here (nearly on all Transponder a win of signal quality between to 0-26 %, but also a loss of ~5 % on one TP)

    [Channel search mode: Advanced channel search; Ref. Transponder: <each single TP set> ]


    exchanging the scan table on the DigiBit does not change or influence how TvH scans channels.

    TvH uses it's own (hopefully current) scan tables !

    comments/thoughts/rotten fruits ? ;)

    Edited 9 times, last by GDPR-7 (March 12, 2022 at 12:47 AM).