I have a very odd issue, I'm running 3 RPI4's on 3 different TVs, one is a Sony, one is a Samsung UN32N5300AFXZA and one is a fancier Samsung QN43Q60AAF. The RPI's work fine on the Sony and the UN Samsung. On the QN Samsung the box displays low resolution and no audio no matter what setting I change on the TV.
I did some experimenting and I found something odd. I put both Samsung TVs next to each other and booted the RPI on the UN TV, as expected it booted with full resolution and normal audio. I then disconnected the HDMI from the UN and plugged it into the QN, again the video and audio worked fine. I then power cycled the RPI and when it came back up the resolution was low and there was no audio. I then connected the HDMI to the UN TV and the resolution remained low and no audio. It seems like there is an initial handshake happening and the QN and RPI are not happy with each other and the RPI is locking in low resolution with no audio.
Is there a setting somewhere that I could fix this issue? I appreciate any help!