Constant connectivity checks?

  • Cheers, I'm using LE 9.2.6 on Raspberry Pi 3.

    A recent rollout of IPv6 had me shuffle a few network settings:

    • Pi and other devices are still pointed to a local dnsmasq instance running on v4 (via DHCPv4) and v6 (via DHCPv6)
    • Upstream DNS was swapped to nextdns for filtering and analytics - this is where I noticed the issue.
    • Devices get self assigned GUA and ULA - the prefixes advertised have lifetimes I got from ISP router's defaults 10800/14400 and 3600/7200, respectively. The expected addresses are seen assigned on the pi (via SSH -> ip -6 addr sh, I couldn't find v6 info in Kodi/LE GUI)

    After noticing the huge amount of queries to I checked my local resolver's logs and saw that LE on the Pi is querying this every 3 minutes (all the time, since the pi isn't turned off) - and it checks both via IPv4, and IPv6 (the ULA) simultaneously.

    dnsmasq logs

    I checked connman logs (journalctl - u connman.service) and kodi logs (.../temp/kodi.log) and didn't see anything that would match the periodicity or occurrences.

    Any idea where else to look?

    Edit: Hmm, I enabled CONNMAN_WEB_DEBUG for the service and the loaded URL, is returning HTTP 502 Bad Gateway on IPv4, and is completely silent on IPv6. I guess that's the problem.

    Connman logs

    Edited once, last by myxal (August 10, 2021 at 11:36 AM).