LE 10b2 - Reduced picture quality

  • My first attempts with LE10b were bad. i am using a Rpi4B. Before, there was running LE 9.2.6 on the same RPi

    I did not see any picture while or after booting.

    I saw only for a short moment this coloured square flashing once - then black screen or the TV complained about no signal

    Finally, I had success by adding a video= line to the cmdline.txt

    In opposite to the posting here, I had to modify this video= command with a "50" at the end instead of "60"

    Surprinsingly, with LE 9.2.6 I did not have these problems.

    Now, i have a picture, but I think white letters are partially a bit "blueish"

    Can I improve it? Is there a way to find out which resolutions my TV accepts?

    My TV is an old Loewe.

    But for me, HDMI was the solution of thias magic problem that some VGA settings work whiel others are not.

    Nevertheless, the LE Beta seems to run pretty good.