Libreelec Kodi for Raspberry 4 with the Hifiberry Dac2 Pro gives no sound

  • Hello please help me.

    I have a fresh installation of libreelec kodi on a raspi 4 with a hifiberry dac2 pro soundcard.

    With libreelec kodi I only have sound over the HDMI, aplay -l shows nothing.

    The config.txt file is added with the proper overlay dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus which works fine with raspberry pi os.

    I installed kodi on the raspberry pi os and it also works fine, I was able to choose the correct audio (headphone and line out).

    Any chance to get the soundcard to work with libreelec and kodi?

    Can somebody give me an advice what to do?

    Sorry for my English and TIA

    Edited once, last by mathias.luhmann: make it more clear (February 17, 2021 at 12:14 PM).