Addon VTM.GO gives error when trying to stream video

  • Hi All,

    I'm new to Kodi and this forum so please be patient.

    I've succesfully setup a raspi 3 with Libreelec 9

    I only want three adddons : VRT.NU, Yelo and VTM.GO all three typical addons for Belgium.

    The VTM.GO is the only that does not work. Installation and configuration is without problems.

    However as soon as I want to start to stream a file the stream won't start.

    The log file can be found at : hastebin

    The logging of the attempt to stream a file starts at and goes on with wat looks to me a repetitive sequence of the same logs. I guess the system tries a few times to start the stream but without succes.

    I hope somebody can help or at least point me in the right direction where to search for the solution.

