Can't find update .tar file to update from 17.6 to 18.9

  • I'm trying to update my generic Intel installation on an Intel NUC. It's currently at 17.6. I want to update to the latest, v.18.9. I know that I'm supposed to download the .tar update file for my platform and stick it into the update folder. But for the life of me, I can't fine it. All I see on the website is the full .gz installation files. Anyone lead me in the right direction?

    *********** FOUND IT ***********

    Edited once, last by harry_fine: *********** FOUND IT *********** (December 17, 2020 at 2:34 AM).

  • I would say you can put the .gz file as well. It just contains additional partition(s) so you can use it for installation image. But the update should work the same for .gz and .tar files (when you put it to /storage/.update folder and reboot the device). Your settings (or most of your settings) should be preserved. Always make a backup before the upgrade anyway.