It is typical to distribute an "" script with an openvpn bin. LE does not.
The script is called on the "up" action of an openvpn connection. It inspects the VPN tunnel's DNS server values, and replaces the local values with these.
This prevents the local gateway's IP address being leaked to DNS providers outside of the VPN tunnel.
e.g. openvpn-update-resolv-conf/ at master · alfredopalhares/openvpn-update-resolv-conf · GitHub
LE does not have "/etc/resolv.conf", utilising connman to configure DNS addresses instead.
Has anyone written an equivalent script that plugs openvpn DNS leaks?
I believe it would largely be the same script, except that connmanctl, or configuration of connman via dbus, would replace calls to "/sbin/resolveconf".