USB on Pi Zero W

  • Hy there,

    id like to programm my Pi zero W for traveling in Hotels.
    The problem is that it seems that the USB (the middle connection) doesnt work with Libreelec on Pi Zero. Nor the Micro-USB Hub not with the connectioncable is recognizing on librelec.

    Y tried this with an USB-Stick and USB Remote (all working on Pi4 Libreelec). Tried also OSMC but the same problem. There y installed usb-utils and lsusb not showing anything exept the Pi on Hub.

    I have to Pi zeros from diferent charges with the same problem. Seems it software related.

    Any help?

    Thanks in advance

    Edited 2 times, last by chili (October 22, 2020 at 3:19 PM).

  • Hi Chili,
    I cannot confirm that. I have LibreElec 9.2.4 running on a Zero with the USB/Ethernet hub connected. Apart from Ethernet I have a USB stick and a DVB-C Stick connected to the hub. Everything runs fine. (Mainly using this configuration as a second receiver for recordings + watching TV with VLC on my Laptop.)
