I have the following problem with a LibreElec 9.2.3 installation with a Raspberry Pi ZERO WH plus HifiBerry DAC + Zero card:
I have entered the entry for activating the IR diode in the config.txt file, I can no longer get the DAC in the System / Audio menu.
Only the standard output measures are available.
Without the content << dtoverlay = gpio-ir, gpio_in_pin = 17 >> the DAC works perfectly
Changing the pin number does not change anything
Is there a solution to my problem?
Thanks and regards Jonas
Extract from the file config.txt:
# End of default configuration
# HifiBerry DAC
# Lirc
Attached two log files:
odi.old.log.txt = DAC works
kodi.log.txt = DAC not availablekodi.log.txtkodi.old.log.txt