black screen after initial boot - Raspberry Pi 1

  • I'm using the original Raspberry Pi (that's a '1', right?) and experience the same thing with both 9.2.1 and 9.2.3, which I'm loading on my SD card with LibreELEC USB-SD Creator:

    after the initial boot, where it appears to be resizing the partition, etc. it reboots itself. So far this sounds like the expected behavior. Upon the second boot (performed automatically), it gets to a display of the Kodi 18.6 (Leia) screen, but then goes black after 5 or 10 seconds.

    I've searched a bit for this problem, but don't see anything, so I'm asking the community. Until the black screen, the video output looks perfect.

    If this were due to a wrong resolution, I wouldn't expect the initial Kodi image to appear. Unless it's switching resolutions? That's as far as my knowledge/logic take me.

    How can I troubleshoot this?


    Edited 3 times, last by tpalmgren (August 3, 2020 at 12:03 PM).

  • Finally resolved the problem by repeatedly banging on keys during the 10 seconds that the Kodi image appeared. At first it went to a Kodi screen that didn't react to key presses. Powered down and back up and it seems like everything is working now. Not sure what the problem was, or what resolved it. Hope this helps somebody else someday.