Cannot use Bluetooth Gamepad with LibreELEC - Amlogic S812 (m8s+)

  • Hello guys,

    can someone here help me to pair my generic bluetooth gamepadj S3 to my tv box. I`ve been struggling with this for quite some time now , and still cannot figure it out.

    The TV box (m8s+ /S812) is running Libreelec 8.2.3. The bluetooth gamepad pairs to the device without issues, but then it does not act like a gamepad, and buttons cannot be mapped in the Input settings. It also can be only used via BT, cannot be used via USB with the cable.

    From the this thread the solution is:




    Updated quick solution:

    nano /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/99-gamepad.rules

    Copy this 2 lines and replace “Gamepad” with your device name (check that the ENV part is kept on the same line and is not wrapped like on the forum):

    SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Gamepad", KERNEL=="event*", MODE="0666", ENV{LIBINPUT_IGNORE_DEVICE}="1"

    SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Gamepad", KERNEL=="event*", MODE="0666", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1"


    I`ve been struggling with it for more than a week now, because I dont have much understanding of Linux and UDEV rules.

    If I create the rule in folder /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/ - nothing happens, the controller still cannot be mapped.

    I found another thread that suggests to create the rule in folder:


    When I create the rule there my remote and the bluetooth keyboard that I have attached both stop working!

    I`m also looking at this tutorial for reference:…rL4Lp9c6nOmjn8J

    When I use the /etc/udev folder and I use udevadm info --query=all --name=input/eventXX

    I am able to see ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK=1 , but because my remote and bluetooth keypad stop working, I am unable to go and map the controller again....

    Can someone give me hand here ?

    Further testing - after I add the udev rules to /etc/udev/rules.d and my remote and keyboard stop working I`m trying to pair the bluetooth gamepad over ssh with the bluetoothctl . This is what I get:

    LibreELEC:~ # bluetoothctl

    [NEW] Controller 43:35:B0:07:1F:AC LibreELEC [default]

    [NEW] Device FF:5E:C6:02:63:25 BT Gamepad

    [CHG] Device FF:5E:C6:02:63:25 Connected: yes

    [BT Gamepad]# trust FF:5E:C6:02:63:25

    Changing FF:5E:C6:02:63:25 trust succeeded

    [BT Gamepad]# connect FF:5E:C6:02:63:25

    Attempting to connect to FF:5E:C6:02:63:25

    Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed

    Thanks in advance

    Edited once, last by viachy (April 7, 2020 at 12:42 PM).