Config as in the topic. I subbed the RasPi in for a HTPC that's awaiting replacement parts. All look fine, but I've no cursor/direction/arrow keys working.
The Harmony is configured as per: HOW TO - Configure a Logitech Harmony Remote for Kodi
It works fine if i plug this IR receiver into any other machine and use this remote.
I tried adding it through the keymap editor but it wasn't detecting the presses. They are getting sent as the IR receiver is old enough to have a red flash when it receives input, but whatever it's sending for the arrows isn't getting picked up.
ir-keytable output (in case that's helpful):
LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable
Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event4) with:
Name: Media Center Ed. eHome Infrared Remote Transceiver (0471:0815)
Driver: mceusb, table: rc-rc6-mce
lirc device: /dev/lirc0
Supported protocols: lirc rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmp imon rc-mm
Enabled protocols: lirc nec rc-6
bus: 3, vendor/product: 0471:0815, version: 0x0000
Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms
Anyone any ideas?