5 boots no safe mode in LibreElec 9.0.2

  • Hi everyone,

    So far, this forum helped me a lot just from reading. Thank you a lot for that! Unfortunately, I'm suddenly facing a problem I can't solve without without active help (because I don't know anything about networks and SSH): After running properly for a couple of weeks, my LibreElec does not boot anymore. I see the rainbow-like picture, than "Libre Elec" on the screen, but even after hours Kodi won't start up. I have been running Kodi 18.2. So I unplugged and re-plugged the USB cable about five times; result: Kodi is starting as it is supposed to. It even scaped the latest episodes. No safe mode (i.e., no red background, no messages appear on the screen). Unfortunately, nothing changed. The next day, Kodi did not start, so I did my special unplug-plug-supertrick again. Same result. Next day: the same... There are no error messages in the Logs. Whenever Kodi starts, it is running without any problems. I activated some additional logs, but they just kept showing me storage and CPU stuff in the upper left corner that didn't help me.

    What I tried so far: I've heard that such problems could result from flawed user account data or so, so I created a new user and told Kodi to log in as this new user whenever it starts. I took over my current settings to this new user account... didn't help. So I set this user not to take over the current settings... didn't help. The only difference: now I can't even watch anything after Kodi finally starts, because I have to assign the folders again.

    Unfortunately, I have no clue how to copy the Log files, because I don't know how SSH works or whether LibreElec has an explorer that lets me open the Logfiles and a web-browser that would allow me to post them... and as fas as I remember my computer can't read the MicroSD card once it is formatted for LibreElec.

    Has anyone experienced this before? Can I force to start in safe mode? May a newer/older version of LibreElec or Kodi solve the problem? Or should I just start over, i.e., re-install LibreElec?

    I appreciate any help (please with kid gloves, because I'm trying my best, but I am just not experienced in these network/operating system/kodi things and I already excelled myself watching videos from my NAS vis Raspberry Pi; at least for a little while).

