Linux noob - how to install LibreELEC on Radxa RK3399 with an SSD

  • Hi all,

    I'm totally new to Linux (and Pi systems) but thought a RockPi setup would be best for my needs. I intend for this to be a pretty permanent setup so I thought an SD card's not ideal for long term use and that I'd move all the way up to an SSD, I'm aware it might be overkill and that eMMC is a thing.

    So it's assembled (though more tweaking to be done) and LibreELEC is running off the SD. All good so far.

    But I'd like to setup the SSD later on and install LibreELEC, boot from it (rather than SD) and import an old Kodi library. I'm aware it's a very minimal OS but I'm guessing there's a way to do this either from the SD or by hooking up the whole system to a PC using USB and using the USB-SD program.

    Can anyone give me any pointers on how best to proceed? Really sorry about this, complete newbie to Linux (meant to check it out over 10 years ago but never got round to it) so even the basics are new to me. Cheers!

  • Also having issues having my RockPi system see WiFi as well - not quite sure what's going on there. Sees bluetooth, I'll try ethernet if I can get hold of a cable in short order.

    EDIT: Scratch that - for some reason didn't work the first few times I booted up but fine now. Also sees my external mounts which it didn't before - working fine off SD so far as I can see, would just like to move it onto the SSD now and import an old library :)

    Edited once, last by MaccyPi (April 13, 2019 at 1:17 PM).