Need help with my remote

  • Hello there, I have some trouble with my remote and hoped to find some help.

    This is my remote:


    The orange buttons are for IR programming and I use them to turn on my TV. The white buttons interact with an usb dongle which I have to plug into my NUC. And everything works fine except for the power button (the white one). I wish to shutdown my Nuc with this button but instead it puts my NUC into sleep mode.

    In my keyboard.xml file I have <power>ActivateWindow(ShutdownMenu)</power>

    and I also tried it to map with keymap addon in kodi. So I also have a gen.xml file with

    <keymap><global><keyboard><key id="61663">shutdown</key></keyboard></global></keymap>

    but it still puts my NUC into sleep mode if I press the power button :(

    Does anyone have an idea how to solve my issue?