LibreELEC 9.0 Wetek Play 2 / Power and Sleep Buttons read as the same button?!?

  • I need help figuring out a very annoying issue.

    After upgrading to LibreELEC 9 Kodi doesn't make any difference between the Power and Sleep buttons of the Wetek Play 2 (1 & 2 in the picture below):


    This used to work in 8.x and it is crucial for me as I use the Power button to shutdown the device and the sleep button to bring up the power dialog. Interestingly enough the default keymap that ships for the Wetek Play 2 with LibreELEC 9 does identify both separate buttons correctly:

    # table wetek_play_2, type: NEC
    0x5e5f02 KEY_POWER
    0x5e5f46 KEY_SLEEP

    however, when I press them they get translated to the same code, here's the log output:

    17:27:04.621 T:4017087344   DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 8e 0 KEY_SLEEP devinput (KEY_SLEEP)
    17:27:04.656 T:4093697968   DEBUG: HandleKey: rewind (0xc4) pressed, action is activatewindow(shutdownmenu)
    17:27:04.656 T:4093697968   DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10111
    17:27:04.656 T:4093697968   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogButtonMenu.xml) ------
    17:27:04.656 T:4093697968    INFO: Loading skin file: DialogButtonMenu.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
    17:27:45.839 T:4017087344   DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 74 0 KEY_POWER devinput (KEY_POWER)
    17:27:45.839 T:4093697968   DEBUG: HandleKey: rewind (0xc4) pressed, action is activatewindow(shutdownmenu)
    17:27:46.159 T:4093697968   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogButtonMenu.xml) ------
    17:27:46.159 T:4093697968   DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() done

    And predictably they get translated as the same kode in KeyMap Editor Add-On, code "196".

    Any idea how to solve this?

    Thanks in advance!