GENIATECH PCI Express Quad DVB-S2 TV Card X9320

  • Thanks for your help.

    The 'inf' file (….\x9320_Windows_Dirver\x64\x64inf\cydtv.inf) does not include the x9320 card among the Geniatech devices listed.

    The only DVB-S/S2 devices that are listed are the SU2000, 3000 & 8000.

    The four USB Stick devices installed by the card (which appears to act as a USB Hub) have the following hardware Ids - USB\VID_1F4D&PID_3300, 3301, 3302 & 3303

    Since I'm going to use this PC as a HTPC I don't need Windows and will try to get Linux working instead.

    I don't think I'll ever buy from GeniaTech again after this experience.

  • Did you get it to work on linux?

  • I don't use head-end for anything here locally but can say that card works here in NA on Linux but required a bunch of code fixes..

    Someone else in the group tho apparently hacked together windows 7 64bit drivers and has it working but without talking to him i am not sure what all was involved. The drivers from the manufacturer (what little they supply) are not the greatest but ,aybe its just here in NA and they work well elsewhere in the world.

  • I don't use head-end for anything here locally but can say that card works here in NA on Linux but required a bunch of code fixes..

    Someone else in the group tho apparently hacked together windows 7 64bit drivers and has it working but without talking to him i am not sure what all was involved. The drivers from the manufacturer (what little they supply) are not the greatest but ,aybe its just here in NA and they work well elsewhere in the world.


    What kind of bugs did you find? I bought the Geniatech HDstar V3 with the m88ds3103b demod and it has several continuity errors, problems with EPG and signal.