New builder, advice needed for boot options, theme and customization.

  • Have some build experience building asop android.


    Building LibreELEC 8.2

    Got my build environment setup (Debian based system), sources loaded and ready to compile. But I need to include some changes and not sure how to do them.

    • MY HTPC is using a bay trail cpu so need the max_cstates=1 option added to boot options (don't want to have to do this after install) - If a better way please let me know. **
    • I want to change the default theme on install to "eminence" - Pending testing/research. #2 ***
    • I want to change LibreELEC and Kodi default splash screens (I have a premade 1920x1080 png image). - Resolved #2
    • Want to setup my advancesettings.xml and sources to be included in the installer image? - Resolved #9
    • Would like to disable samba server but still keep client? - Resolved

    ** Fix mentioned in #2 not working for me, temporary fix in bios or max_cstates=1 work. Will look into modifying patch for more permanent solution.

    *** Further research on packaging theme needed. - any suggestions will be greatly received.


    Thank you in advanced.


    Please excuse my style of typing, I know its erratic, still learning to structure.

    If in wrong section I apologise in advance.


    Edits to reflect status.

    Edited 7 times, last by alatum.angelus (October 27, 2018 at 7:15 PM).

  • If a better way please let me know.

    do nothing as we have a patch that fixes that already at the git linux-999.21-intel_idle-disable-c6n-and-c6s-on-bay-trail.patch

    this should work and you don't need it :)

    otherwise have a look here Compile []

    I want to change LibreELEC and Kodi default splash screens

    you can also disable the kodi splash if this helps, otherwise you need to create an patch with the new background

    for LE see LE/distributions/LibreELEC

  • Quote from CvH

    do nothing as we have a patch that fixes that already at the git linux-999.21-intel_idle-disable-c6n-and-c6s-on-bay-trail.patch

    this should work and you don't need it :)

    Am I correct in assuming, just a git clone of latest source auto applies this patch, or do I need to set it as an option upon build?

    Thank you though! this is great news!

    Quote from CvH

    you can also disable the kodi splash if this helps, otherwise you need to create an patch with the new background

    for LE see LE/distributions/LibreELEC

    Excellent! thank you! I believe I may have discovered the theme changing, I will see after a test build run.

  • Quote from CvH

    do nothing as we have a patch that fixes that already at the git linux-999.21-intel_idle-disable-c6n-and-c6s-on-bay-trail.patch

    this should work and you don't need it :)

    Hey, after some teething issues compiling, I finally got it to compile, I did both master and 8.2 branches but it appears the patch never applied? The system becomes unstable and freezes (which doesn't happen with the cstate fix) leading me to question if I have to enable the cpu patch before build? or is it auto applied? I have fetched latest upstream and merged with my origin and local. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated. Also I replaced the advancedsettings.xml with my pre-edited advancesettings.xml inside the repo and it didn't show on install? is this normal or is there a a specific location in the source to change this? same for my media sources? as for including custom skin, this didn't seem to work so may have to let this one go.

  • Quote from CvH

    the patches are auto applied

    btw did you tried an ready to use image if the problem is there too ?

    Interesting, I will try a fresh clone from git and try again. (the fix isn't only reason for building, want to tweak preinstalled packages and trim the fat so to speak)

    Well I tired both of the latest 8.2.5? and the 8.90 alpha from the Libreelec download page, both crashed intermittently (about once per hour) I use no add ons only connect to my local NAS via nfs. I found 8.2.5 to be the most stable but only truly fixed it when I applied the "max_cstates=1" to boot options.

    Strangely building myself allowed correct audio passthrough with dolby hd and dts:x to my av receiver but this could be coincidental.

    If it helps I'm using Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J1900


    Intel Corporation Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series Graphics using i915 kernel driver.

    Edited once, last by alatum.angelus (October 24, 2018 at 12:43 AM).

  • Look at distributions/LibreELEC/options (or the options file to the distro you're building) for a SKINS and SKIN_DEFAULT. You'll need to package your theme too.

    advancedsettings.xml and sources.xml go in (depending on what you're doing) packages/mediacenter/kodi/config, projects/$PROJECT/kodi/ or projects/$PROJECT/devices/$DEVICE/kodi

  • Look at distributions/LibreELEC/options (or the options file to the distro you're building) for a SKINS and SKIN_DEFAULT. You'll need to package your theme too.

    advancedsettings.xml and sources.xml go in (depending on what you're doing) packages/mediacenter/kodi/config, projects/$PROJECT/kodi/ or projects/$PROJECT/devices/$DEVICE/kodi

    Brilliant! Very helpful, just need to figure out packaging the theme! sorry for late reply, busy week.