LibreELEC won't (totally) shutdown

  • Hi! my HTPC is pretty basic: Intel Celeron 4th gen (Haswell), Asrock motherboard with B85 chipset, 4 GBs of DDR3 and a 3 TB Caviar Green HDD.

    When I choose to shutdown, I can see systemd going all the way to "shutdown", I can hear the HDD stopping, but the PC remains on. I can still see the shutdown text on screen and hear the fans.

    If I start the system, do nothing, and then shut it down, it works. If I normally use it (watch youtube or videos), then I can't shut it down without holding the power button.

    Had the same problem since Kodi Isengad (shutdown process worked fine on Kodi Helix).

    Edited once, last by Tabris (August 17, 2016 at 9:36 PM).