Odroid C2 digital surround audio output via HDMI

  • Hello,

    I am in need of some advice.

    I have been a long time user of community builds of openelec/libreelec on my Tronsmart Vega S89-H tv box, using the fantastic builds from kerber, drieschel and demetris.

    However, my S89-H is now getting old, slowe and does not support H.265 encoded video and basically I just want something new.

    I was thinking about an Odroid C2 because it is officially supported by Libreleec, so is not depending on the willingness of someone to make a community build.

    The thing that is giving me doubts is the lack of an optical audio output on the C2. I quite like to have surround sound via my AVR, or good quality sound when using the Spotlibre addon for Spotify. In my current setup, my music from Spotlibre, using Spotify, is even converted to Dolby 5.1 to my AVR, giving the music a very rich and convincing sound.

    My question: has someone already managed to get Libreelec on a C2 to passthrough Dolby or DTS 5.1 via HDMI to a HDMI 2 s/pdif splitter and then feed the sound succesfully to an AVR with clear, 5.1 surround output? I saw that for instance AliExpress sells these HDMI to s/pdif splitters for as little as €7 or something (much less than the Hifi 2 or Plus Shield to plug in to the Odroid C2, from Hardkernel itself).

    Or am I better off by buying a much cheaper Android S905(x) or S912 box with s/pdif from AliExpress and hope to find a good working Libreelec build for it?

    Please share your thoughts,

