Sony KDL40VL130 TV will not control with HDMI CEC

  • If I attach my RPi to the Samsung downstairs, all is well, but our Sony KDL40VL130 TV will not control my LibreElec Kodi installation at all.

    I've gone into HDMI Settings on the TV, turned all on and updated the Device List. The Kodi & the TV both acknowledge each other onscreen - the TV shows "HDMI Control: Kodi" as Input, but no buttons on the remote do anything.

    Is it possible I need some "universal" remote to work with a Sony?

    Any help appreciated!

  • KORE, my friends!

    My research indicates that if we had a Sony TV 2016 or newer, we'd be fine.

    Kore - Official Kodi Wiki

    That explains an app you can add to your phone which seems to act like a real remote.

    One problem with the Web Control interface (HAX, Chorus and those) is they don't repeat the button if you hold it.

    Kore works just like a "real" remote, in that if you "hold down" the button on your phone's screen it "repeats" that button. Having to click again and again to scroll through every single Movie in my Library was a pain.

    Kore seems great so far.