[Solved] No audio using HDMI (ATI HD 5770)

  • Hi,

    Specs are:

    LibreELEC 9.2.5 kernel Linux 4.11.12

    ASUS P7P55D_LE motherboard

    ATI HD 5770 graphics card

    I've tried all settings but cannot get any audio via HDMI when connected to a TV. Please see the screenshots for the current settings.

    Edit: Not sure if it makes any difference but when I installed LibreELEC I did so with the computer attached to a PC monitor and I then connected using HMDI to a TV later.

    Any info appreciated.


  • Thanks blueribb

    I don't have any other device to test which has HDMI inputs. I've checked the TV settings and there is no audio input settings for HDMI.

    I think it's hardware related as there is a red speaker symbol in the top right of the screen in kodi with a X so I think this must mean that there is a problem with the driver?

    I've looked through similar posts on the net and some people fixed it using a different lead which I've tried. Somebody else says to disable pulse audio but I don't think this can be done from LibreELEC?

    Do you know if there is a SSH command that will work with Libre that will show if the driver has been installed properly?


  • That red symbol may be MUTE. Try turning the mute off.

    if you are using a keyboard press f8 to UN-mute

    Edited 2 times, last by chewitt: removing video/link to the "Kodi help" site that encourages piracy use (August 6, 2018 at 10:04 AM).

  • Thanks very much it was muted. I pressed F8 and it now works fine. I was just about to try a different OS to run Kodi thinking that the card was incompatible! Thanks again.