lirc hangs after 20-30mins on RPi3

  • Hi all,

    Looking for some help with a problem I'm having with my setup, which is:

    - RPi3 & LibreELEC (official): 8.2.5 (RPi2.arm)

    - IR receiver/transmitter - USB-UIRT and two remotes, from Yamaha receiver & Samsung TV

    device works correctly and is set up with udev rule, /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/99-usb-serial.rules:

    SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="f850", SYMLINK+="irblaster"

    - lircd enabled through LE with /storage/.config/lirc_options.conf:

    After reboot, everything works fine, I'm able to use remotes and send commands through usbuirt, but after some 20-30 min of inactivity or watching some movie, lirc stops responding. usbuirt device seems to be OK, unplugging and plugging back doesn't help, only restarting lircd service allows to send commands again, but at that point kodi stops responding to either remote. eventlircd is running as well with default settings, restarting this service doesn't help either.

    Fortunately, mostly, I use IP remote I wrote for android to operate kodi & receiver and only thing I absolutely need is the send ability from lirc (which works after lirc service restart) to operate TV, so for now I did set up a cronjob every 15 min to restart lirc service. This keeps everything working (except of 'course ir receiving side), but I'd like to figure out why lirc just stops responding, so I can use my remote as my backup device (my wife likes to use it too).

    The only error I see in the journalctl is about checksum, but right after 2 lines, it seems to work just fine, and there is nothing else prior to lirc just stoping responding.

    Mar 24 15:12:17 HTPC-RPi3 lircd_helper[400]: lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Notice: lircd(uirt2_raw) ready, using /run/lirc/lircd.socket
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd_helper[400]: lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Notice: accepted new client on /run/lirc/lircd.socket
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Notice: accepted new client on /run/lirc/lircd.socket
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd_helper[400]: lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Error: uirt2_raw: checksum error
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Error: uirt2_raw: checksum error
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd_helper[400]: lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Info: uirt2_raw: UIRT version 0905 ok
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Info: uirt2_raw: UIRT version 0905 ok
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd_helper[400]: lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Info: uirt2_raw: UIRT version 0905
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Info: uirt2_raw: UIRT version 0905
    May 03 22:33:26 HTPC-RPi3 lircd_helper[400]: lircd-0.9.4d[400]: Info: removed client

    I searched the forum and google, but couldn't find any similar issue/setup. Any ideas what could be wrong or how to test/debug this would be appreciated.



  • If you are using irsend it could be that you are hit by this lirc bug: LIRC / Tickets / #315 irsend / lircd hang when using repeats A proposed fix has been posted but it hasn't made it's way into lirc yet.

    Do you also get the error when you don't use irsend?

    I'm not familiar with usb-uirt so I won't rule out a bug in the uirt2-raw lirc driver, or it could also be a RPi USB issue (we saw plenty of those, also with serial usb devices). The checksum error certainly is odd.

    Also check dmesg for USB related errors and run "vcgencmd get_throttled" (you should get "0x0") to check if the power supply is OK.

    so long,


  • Thanks for the reply. I was able to trigger the irsend bug, but that's not what my problem is, I think. I don't have the min repeats setting and I had to add it to replicate the bug. Without it, no matter how many irsend command I send, it just works. The hangups don't happen when I use it... well I'm having hard time pinpointing what actually triggers them, so I can't say this for sure, but I can send multiple (tested between 2-5) commands and they work.

    I'm going to try and run the setup without using irsend, just to be sure.

    Power supply checked out OK as well, I got "throttled=0x0".

    The usb-uirt device is quite old, it's been serving me for over 15 years now with different htpc's, based on windows and linux, I never had any issues with it, but maybe it's getting too old now, or maybe, as you've mentioned, it's an RPi/USB issue.

    I'll keep testing, thanks again.