French TV - Molotov - Appimage execution failed

  • Hello all,

    First post on this forum, i hope i am not missing a part of the etiquette by directly posting a question (sorry otherwise !).

    Molotov is a french service providing live & catch-up tv. It is available on windows, macOS, android, iOS and linux. The linux version is in fact an AppImage file (you can get it from their download page if you are on linux, or here if you need to download the file from another os).

    What i would like to do is to be able to launch this service straight from Kodi, through advanced launcher for instance (using platform = linux).

    I tried to run the Linux Appimage file from the command line, on LibreElec 8.2.5 (Generic x86_64) but got an error :


    # ./molotov


    /tmp/.mount_d27odq/AppRun: line 25: syntax error: unexpected "("

    i also tried to run the appimage file straight from advanced launcher, but it did not launch either.

    anybody knows if linux appimage files can run on JEOS ?

    any idea on how to get this to work on libreelec ?



  • Hi,

    This is an old thread, but I am interested if there is a solution. On my side, I wanted to be able to run Black Nut cloud gaming.

    However, since your libreELEC is most probably running on a ARM board (Raspberry Pi, ...), it is impossible to run an x86 AppImage anyway ;(

    The solution could be to emulate an x86 environment with qemu, but I guess it would impact performances.

    Any idea guys?
