[Solved] Moonlight x64

  • I'm trying to run moonlight on my chromebox. I've got the correct IP, I've unticked hardware acceleration, set it to 1080p and 60 fps. It pairs correctly and I can see my games on my pc. Both my chromebox and the of are wired to my router via Ethernet. The pc is running gforce experience but when clicking on steam the screen stays black and does nothing. When I go to steam and click exit, it asks me if I want to stop streaming. Am I doing something wrong or are my settings wrong? I'm also got a Xbox 360 wireless controller connected if that makes any difference. Any help would be great. Ive just checked the service.log and its blank and debug log seems to have no reference to it, nut here it is anyway.

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    Edited once, last by davidsilva (March 25, 2018 at 11:07 PM).

  • Made some great progress with this today. Just managed to play crash bandicoot with an xbox 360 controller on moonlight on libreelec x64. I'm gonna try and iron the last few kinks then post a guide.

    Got sound working now, Also got it booting first time. Need to fix the lag issue next.

    To get this running Ive done the following:

    1, Ive used the older libreelec addon moonlight 8.2.105 as this has controller addon support.

    2, Installed Nvidia Geforce Experience NVIDIA GeForce Experience - Download - Filepuma.com

    3, Blocked updates from installing as any other version on Geforce Experience stops Moonlight from working. Show hidden files and folders> Navigate to C:/ProgrameData/NVIDIACorporation> Delete any contents with in the folder > Right-click the Downloader folder > Properties > Security > Advanced > Add > Select a principal > Object name: Everyone > OK > Type = Deny, Basic permssions = tick "Write", untick everything else > Keep clicking OK until all properties are closed > Job well done! 

    4, Configure the settings in the addon but make sure the hardware acceleration is unselected, and audio settings do nothing.

    5, Fix the sound with the guide from the following link Moonlight x86_64 sound fix. How-To

    6, Reboot Libreelec and open the addon, you should be greeted with a code asking you to pair with your windows pc. DONT try to load a game yet.

    7, Copy the contents of /storage/.cache/moonlight to /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.moonlight/keys with file manager on libreelec or ftp server.

    8, Reboot, Enjoy game-streaming

    To reduce input lag, try 720p at 30fps and use a bitrate of 5000. Tested for a few hours with a xbox 360 controller and it booted everytime without a problem.

    Edited 3 times, last by davidsilva (August 1, 2018 at 10:02 PM).