My movies are missing. Kinda.

  • Hello all,

    Looking for some help here. I am running libreelec 8.0.2 on a raspberry pi 3 with 1tb USB hard drive connected through a powered USB hub. Recently I am unable to view my movies going through the videos link. When I look in my movies folder it shows to be an empty folder. Viewing my movies through the movies link I was still able to watch all my movies. I also have TV shows on this same hard drive and nothing has changed for my TV shows. I did a fresh install but am unable to get my movies back. I have checked the hard drive, I connected it to a windows PC and all my movies are still there. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this so I can get my movies to load and be seen. The USB hard drive is in ntfs format. Would formatting it to a more compatible format for libreelec fix my problem? I do realise that formatting the hard drive will wipe all data. Already planning for that by purchasing another hdd to store all my files on if that needs to be done.

    Thanks for any help.