Experience with mini M8S pro -C, LibreELEC, NetFlix. Installtointernal not working

  • Hello,

    I bought a mini M8S pro -C 2Go/16Go 100mb LAN.

    Kodi/Android 7.1.2 is not decoding correctly video :cursing: (flowless video or not decoding at all), must be firmware issue as Kodi works fine with LibreELEC.:thumbup:

    This my turn around by using LibreELEC.

    I have install LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2- with Flecher tools and a SDcard, no problem

    dont forget to boot on mini M8S with reset button on

    I have activate SSH and SAMBA.

    Then follow tutorial

    [HOWTO] Boot from SD card, use internal memory for data

    Read ip of Kodi/Libreelec

    Aftert that install Putty on Windows, start session with ipLibreELEC (username root, password libreelec)


    1. systemctl stop kodi
    2. mkdir -p /tmp/data
    3. mount -o rw /dev/data /tmp/data
    4. cp -pPRv /storage/. /tmp/data
    5. umount /tmp/data

    blkide2label /dev/mmcblk1p2 ""

    e2label /dev/data "LIBREELEC_DISK"

    reboot and do it again until done, because label on /dev/mmcblk1p2 is badly restaured magicaly !:-/

    With PC windows 10, copy LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.90.11a.tar to \\LIBREELEC\Update (installing alfa version of kodi 18 for NetFlix plugin)

    reboot to update.

    With PC windows 10, copy plugin.video.netflix-master.zip and plugin.video.prime_instant-master.zip to\\libreelec\Downloads

    follow following tutorial :

    with putty ssh, execute :

    wget getwidevine.sh

    sh getwidevine.sh

    from kodi install then plugin.video.netflix-master.zip and plugin.video.prime_instant-master.zip


